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Without Sketch Landscape Watercolor — Winter Birch (color mixing view) NAMIL ART
스케치 없이 풍경 수채화 그리기 — 겨울 자작나무 (칼라 혼합 보기)남일수채화
Composer: Toto Cutugno
Composer: Pasquale Losito
Author: Graham Stuart Johnson
Author: Vito Pallavicini
Translator: Claude Lemesle
Translator: Pierre Delanoë
TV artist Brandon Thomas will guide you step by step to a finished painting. Watch Brandon turn this white canvas in to a master piece using his Magic Brush Kit.
Brandon paints Winter blast Join him in this amazing painting as he shows you step by step You will learn how to paint mountains and snow and how to use that amazing palette knife! so enjoy this ep. of Painting With Magic (Winter Blast)
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