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Painting a large atmospheric seascape in oils

This painting tutorial shows the process of creating a large atmospheric oil painting.
Here I offer an insight into my technique and share the painting tips I learned over the years, like painting the glitter with a palette knife or flicking the brush to create the splashing effect.
Hope you will find it useful or at least entertaining.
The original seascape painting «Vision» measures 48x48 inches and is available for sale on EvaVolfSeascapes.etsy.com
I used only four oil colors to create this tender purple seascape:
titanium white, ultramarine blue, burnt umber and alizarin crimson (any red will do). I chose purple as a dominant color, brown as complementary and white as an accent.
I also used Liquin Original as a medium, but any oil or mineral spirits will do.
This painting took me 2 sessions x 4 hours and I let it dry completely for a week in between them.
I used a reference photo from a hazy morning in the Outer Banks, North Carolina.
Share your paintings on Instagram and tag me eva.volf for feedback

To learn more about my creative journey please visit my social networks:

Please check out my other paintings:

To read what my customers are saying, click this link to my reviews: www.etsy.com/shop/EvaVolfSeascapes/reviews

Soundtrack: Shimmering Waves by the Euclidean Stairway.

Thank you very much for watching! Hope you enjoy it!

Your support and encouragement are much appreciated!

Oil Painting Tutorial - How to Paint Realistic Ocean Waves

This painting tutorial shows how to paint realistic ocean waves in oils.

Please note: any paintings created using my tutorials are not viable to sell. This is a copyright issue.

The original seascape painting «Dances With Waves» measures 36x36 inches and is in a private collection now.

For inspiration and reference I used my friends (Mechelle Adelle) photo of a cloudy morning in Florida, but didnt stick to it, I simplified it and added a painterly touch.

Here I offer an insight into my technique and hope that all my artist-friends will find it useful or at least entertaining. Youre most welcome to try out some techniques I taught myself over the years.
I used only 4 colors to create this cloudy ocean waves painting: Ultramarine blue, Viridian, Burnt Sienna and Alizarin Crimson (and of course Titanium White). I also used Liquin as a medium.
I really love and recommend brushes from my favorite supplier Princetonbrush.com: several sizes filbert brushes from Aspen series, #9 Catalyst angle bright, 1/2" oval mop from Velvetouch series and 3" wide angle brush from Aspen series.
This painting took me 2 sessions x 4 hours and I let it dry completely in between them.

To learn more about my creative journey please visit my social networks:

Please check out my other paintings:

To read what my customers are saying, click this link to my reviews: www.etsy.com/shop/EvaVolfSeascapes/reviews

Soundtrack: Shimmering Waves by the Euclidean Stairway.

Thank you very much for watching! Hope you enjoy it!

Your support and encouragement are much appreciated!

How To Paint A Seascape And Wave For Beginners Full Tutorial - Paintings By Justin

Head over and join the channel as a platinum member to access weekly detailed live-streams for members only! I’m not taking many people because I want to be able to interact with each member thoroughly during each stream so head over!!! Click here


SIGN UP ASAP! www.patreon.com/Paintingsbyjustin

How to paint a beautiful seascape!!! Full tutorial!
Here is the paint I use!!! gamblincolors.com/
Check out www.trekell.com/ for awesome brushes!
Colors used Titanium white, Prussian blue, ivory black, burnt umber, sap green, cadmium yellow, yellow ochre, cadmium red
Follow me on Twitter twitter.com/paintingsjustin
Follow me on Instagram instagram.com/paintingsbyjustinwozniak
Follow me on Facebook facebook.com/paintingsbyjustinwozniak

PAINTING TUTORIAL Acrylic Ocean for Beginners | Katie Jobling Art

Hope you enjoy this tutorial! I am using acrylic paint to create a seascape on canvas.

Please be aware, Im not a teacher and I havent been classically trained so this tutorial is based on things Ive learnt as a self-taught artist. Please note: any paintings created using my tutorials are not viable to sell. This is a copyright issue.

Palette paper: amzn.to/2k79mIb
Brush assortment: amzn.to/2k724o3
Detail brush: amzn.to/2lnuUFT
Titanium White: amzn.to/2kLcYS6
Cerulean Blue: amzn.to/2kLd1gK
Ultramarine Blue: amzn.to/2k7eKLr
Phthalo Green: amzn.to/2lnvun3
Cadmium Red: amzn.to/2k75FSN
Yellow Ochre: amzn.to/2k6gvxo
Palette Knife: amzn.to/2k6hDkQ

Please subscribe for more!

Website: www.katiejobling.com/
Online Shop: www.etsy.com/uk/shop/KatieJobling

♡Social Media♡
Facebook: www.facebook.com/KatieLJobling
Instagram: instagram.com/katiejoblingart/
Twitter: twitter.com/katiejoblingart

Kenji — Cruise

Ambiment — The Ambient by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100630
Artist: incompetech.com/

*Just so you all know, I have placed affiliate links above. A lot of you were asking which products I used, but of course you can use any brand or even colour that you like.*

Bob Ross - Ocean Sunset (Season 10 Episode 10)

The beach is such a lovely sight as afternoon comes to an end – Bob Ross paints this seascape with gold, purple and orange hues.

Season 10 of The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross features the following wonderful painting instructions: Towering Peaks, Cabin at Sunset, Twin Falls, Secluded Bridge, Ocean Breeze, Autumn Woods, Winter Solitude, Golden Sunset, Mountain Oval, Ocean Sunset, Triple View, Winter Frost, and Lakeside Cabin.

Subscribe to the official Bob Ross YouTube channel — bit.ly/BobRossSubscribe

Season 10 Playlist: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAEQD0ULngi5nVGjPmjw-vCE5AuDTLkkQ

Originally aired on 11/5/1986

Watercolor painting of a peaceful beach

Materials I used in this lesson:
Calligraphy brush and paints — enjoyingart.com/store
Oval Wash 1/2" for lifting — amzn.to/3ioiUNt
1" Flat brush — tinyurl.com/w6vn98y
Arches paper — amzn.to/2EZAKIl

Please come and join us as a member, and let me know how I may help you to make the art learning experience more fun, relaxing, and enjoyable — enjoyingart.com
Gumroad — gumroad.com/yongchen
哔哩哔哩: space.bilibili.com/383722495/#/
Instagram — yongchen8
Facebook — www.facebook.com/yongchen8
Twitter — twitter.com/yongchen1
ALL MUSIC by Antonio Romo. www.antonioromo.com/
See him on Youtube :http://www.youtube.com/antonioromopiano
#relaxingwatercolor #relaxing #yongchen #painting #enjoyingart

Without Sketch Landscape Watercolor - Waterfront (color mixing process) NAMIL ART

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▶ NAVER 블로그 남일 수채화 Gallery"
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Without Sketch Landscape Watercolor — Waterfront (color mixing process) NAMIL ART
스케치 없이 풍경수채화 그리기 — 해안선 (칼라 혼합 과정, 아르쉬)남일수채화

Without Sketch Landscape Watercolor - Stone Bridge (color mixing) NAMIL ART

▶If you like the video~ please press Subscribe and Like~
Thank you for watching~
▶Blogger NAMIL ART
▶ NAVER 블로그 남일 수채화 Gallery"
▶YouTube You Art

Without Sketch Landscape Watercolor — Stone Bridge (color mixing) NAMIL ART
스케치 없이 풍경 수채화 그리기 — 돌다리 (칼라 혼합 과정, 아르쉬 황목)남일 수채화