Without Sketch Landscape Watercolor - Waterfront (color mixing process) NAMIL ART

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Without Sketch Landscape Watercolor — Waterfront (color mixing process) NAMIL ART
스케치 없이 풍경수채화 그리기 — 해안선 (칼라 혼합 과정, 아르쉬)남일수채화

Without Sketch Landscape Watercolor - Stone Bridge (color mixing) NAMIL ART

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▶Blogger NAMIL ART
▶ NAVER 블로그 남일 수채화 Gallery"
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Without Sketch Landscape Watercolor — Stone Bridge (color mixing) NAMIL ART
스케치 없이 풍경 수채화 그리기 — 돌다리 (칼라 혼합 과정, 아르쉬 황목)남일 수채화

Winter Landscape Watercolor - Snowy Scene (color mixing view) NAMIL ART

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▶Blogger NAMIL ART
▶ NAVER 블로그 남일 수채화 Gallery"
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Winter Landscape Watercolor — Snowy Scene (color mixing view) NAMIL ART
겨울 풍경 수채화 — 눈 쌓인 풍경 (칼라 혼합 보기. 아르쉬 황목) 남일수채화

Полный видеоурок Игоря Сахарова Прозрачная волна

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Записаться на мастер-класс Игоря Сахарова 7 915 331 60 53
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Приобрести, рекомендованные худ. Сахаровым материалы для живописи маслом( холсты, кисти, мастихины, стартовые наборы) и т.д. Москва, Россия 7 916 020 60 77, Киев, Украина 380991166086

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Приобрести, рекомендованные худ. Сахаровым материалы для живописи маслом( холсты, кисти, мастихины, стартовые наборы) и т.д. Купить видеоуроки. Москва, Россия 7 916 649 32 91

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"After the rain" (Russian summer landscape) Artist-Viktor Yushkevich. #7 picture in 2020.

Друзья, приветствую всех на своем канале УВН Арт. Картина «После дождя» (Русский летний пейзаж) Художник-Виктор Юшкевич. # 7 фото в 2020 году.
Я нарисовал эту картину, вспоминая лето, дождь был слишком сильный, небо было на 100% пасмурно. Шел сильный дождь, мне пришлось прятаться в машине. После дождя я вышел сфотографировать этот чудесный пейзаж, пора рисовать эту работу.
В прошлом году я побывал в том же месте, что и на моей картине.
Лето удивляет меня непостоянной погодой. Казалось, что солнце, но в одно мгновение облака начали рисовать в небе, поднялся сильный ветер, начался летний теплый дождь. В это время года вы особенно любите природу, солнце, небо, лес, озера, реки, горы.
Вы можете наблюдать, как солнечные лучи пробиваются сквозь небо, падая на поле светом, мокрая трава блестит, отражая солнечные лучи.
Рядом находится деревня, жители этой деревни начали складировать сено для своих коров и лошадей.
Многие стога сена ждут своего времени, чтобы собрать урожай.
Время приближается уже осенью, и скоро начнутся грозы и дожди.

Летом я часто путешествую на природе, чтобы нарисовать, взять кисти, краски, холст и нарисовать прекрасные просторы нашего мира.
Друзья, спасибо за просмотр моего канала, спасибо за ваши комментарии и за развитие канала.
Если у вас есть какие-либо предложения или советы о том, как сделать наш канал более продуктивным, напишите мне письмо, и мы сделаем лучший контент с вашей помощью.

Увидимся в следующем видео.
С уважением, Виктор.

Вы также можете посмотреть мои другие видео:
Акриловая живопись на холсте
▶ видео youtu.be/E7nnRc-F0dc
▶ видео youtu.be/V0iqE3qrEw0
▶ видео youtu.be/3nEzugnjBs0
▶ видео youtu.be/6OFohECI3f4
▶ видео youtu.be/xN6_6MOztKE
▶ видео youtu.be/Diq3G_PVDqo
▶ видео youtu.be/NB9uVGiarLM
▶ видео youtu.be/8agn2p9aAfE
▶ видео youtu.be/EYYMhgB8kzk

С уважением, Виктор. Фотографии доступны: www.picture-russia.ru/painter/4994
Официальная страница художника Юшкевича Виктора Николаевича
Патреон: www.patreon.com/UVN_Art
Одноклассники: ok.ru/uvnart
Instagram: www.instagram.com/u.v.n_art
Facebook: www.facebook.com/art.u.v.n
Электронная почта: UVN.Art@outlook.com
Электронная почта: vitek1961@mail.ru
WhatsApp 7 926 732-52-65

#Aftertherain #Russiansummerlandscape # Художник-ВикторЮшкевич #Picture #UVNArt #summer #photograph #Artist

"Nature enjoys the sun" We draw, the autumn landscape. Artist Viktor Yushkevich.

Friends, I welcome you to the UVN Art channel. I offer you the picture «Nature enjoys the sun»
We draw, the autumn landscape.
A complete master class with explanations and explanations for a novice artist was painted on this picture.
Enjoy your viewing, waiting for your support and your comments under the video.

Sincerely, Victor.Pictures available: www.picture-russia.ru/painter/4994
The official page of the artist Yushkevich Victor N.
Patreon: www.patreon.com/UVN_Art
Classmates: ok.ru/uvnart
Instagram: www.instagram.com/u.v.n_art
Facebook: www.facebook.com/art.u.v.n
Email: UVN.Art@outlook.com
Email: vitek1961@mail.ru
WhatsApp 7 926 732-52-65

#Artist #ViktorYushkevich #UVNArt #acrylicpainting #Autumn #Realistartist #lightingdesigner #picture #school #learningtodraw
#creation #paintbrushes

"Swiss Alps" (Summer landscape) Artist-Viktor Yushkevich. #4 picture in 2020.

Friends, I greet you. I painted the picture “Swiss Alps” (Summer landscape) #4 picture in 2020. The picture is painted with acrylic paint, the size of the picture is 50/70 cm. Draw with acrylic paint. The picture is for sale, for subscribers of the UVN Art channel a 15% discount. www.picture-russia.ru/painter/4994

The Alpine region of Switzerland, traditionally called the Swiss Alps (German: Schweizer Alpen, French: Alpes suisses, Italian: Alpi svizzere, Romansh: Alps svizras), is the main natural feature of the country and, along with the Swiss Plateau and the Swiss part of the Jura Mountains, is one of its three main physical and geographical areas. The Swiss Alps extend both to the Western Alps and the Eastern Alps, encompassing a territory sometimes called the Central Alps. Although the northern ranges from the Bernese Alps to the Appenzell Alps are entirely in Switzerland, the southern ranges from the Mont Blanc massif to the Bernina massif are shared with other countries such as France, Italy, Austria and Liechtenstein.

The Swiss Alps include almost all of the highest mountains of the Alps, such as Dufurspitze (4634 m), House (4545 m), Liskamm (4,527 m), Weisshorn (4,506 m) and Matterhorn (4,478 m). Other following major summits can be found on this list of Swiss mountains.

Since the Middle Ages, transit through the Alps has played an important role in history. The region north of the St. Gotthard Pass became the core of the Swiss Confederation in the early 14th century.

The Swiss Alps seen from the Swiss Jura in December 2010
The Alps occupy 65% ​​of Switzerland’s total area of ​​41,285 square meters. Km (15,940 sq. Miles), which makes it one of the most alpine countries. Despite the fact that Switzerland covers only 14% of the total area of ​​192,753 square kilometers (74,422 sq. Miles) in the Alps, [2] [3] 48 of 82 Alpine four-thousanders are located in the Swiss Alps and almost all of the the remaining 34 are within 20 kilometers (12 miles) of the countrys border.

The Swiss Alps are located south of the Swiss plateau and north of the national border. The border between the Alps and the plateau runs from Vevey on the shores of Lake Geneva to Rorschach on the shores of Lake Constance, passing near the cities of Tuna and Lucerne. Not very clearly defined regions in Switzerland, located on the outskirts of the Alps, especially the northern ones, are called the Swiss Prealps (Préalpes in French, Voralpen in German, Prealpi in Italian). The Swiss Prealps are mostly made of limestone and usually do not exceed 2,500 meters (8,200 feet).

The Alps are usually divided into two main parts: the Western Alps and the Eastern Alps, whose division extends along the Rhine from Lake Constance to the Slyugen Pass. The western ranges occupy most of Switzerland, while the more numerous eastern ranges are much smaller and are located in the canton of Graubünden. The latter is part of the Central-Eastern Alps, with the exception of the Ortler Alps, which belong to the Southern limestone Alps. The Penninsky, Bernese and Berninsky ranges are the highest ridges of the country, they contain 38, 9 and 1 peaks respectively more than 4000 meters high. The lowest range is the Appenzell Alps, reaching heights of 2500 meters.

Rhine Gorge in Graubünden
The northern part of the Swiss Alps is drained by the Rhone, Rhine and Inn (which is part of the Danube basin), while the southern side is mainly drained by Ticino (Po basin). The rivers in the north flow into the Mediterranean, North and Black Seas, and in the south into the Po Adriatic Sea. The main triple watersheds in the Alps are located inland, these are: Piz Lunghin, Witenwasserenstock and Monte Forcola. Between Witenwasserenstock and Piz Lunghin lies the European watershed dividing the Atlantic basin (North Sea) and the Mediterranean Sea (Adriatic and Black Seas). The European watershed lies only partially on the main chain. Switzerland has 6% of the fresh water in Europe, and is sometimes called the «water tower of Europe.»

Sincerely, Victor.Pictures available: www.picture-russia.ru/painter/4994
The official page of the artist Yushkevich Victor N.
Patreon: www.patreon.com/UVN_Art
Classmates: ok.ru/uvnart
Instagram: www.instagram.com/u.v.n_art
Facebook: www.facebook.com/art.u.v.n
Email: UVN.Art@outlook.com
Email: vitek1961@mail.ru
WhatsApp 7 926 732-52-65

Acrylic Painting on Canvas
▶ video youtu.be/E7nnRc-F0dc
▶ video youtu.be/V0iqE3qrEw0
▶ video youtu.be/3nEzugnjBs0
▶ video youtu.be/6OFohECI3f4
▶ video youtu.be/xN6_6MOztKE
▶ video youtu.be/Diq3G_PVDqo

#Artist #ViktorYushkevich #Acrylicpainting #SwissAlps #drawing2020 #predatorybird #EagleEye #Bestartist #art2020 #uvnart #painting #paints #nature #Summerlandscape