Join me as we take a look at painting smaller quick and easy paintings that can be used as Christmas presents, gifts, and even sold at your local art show. This is a new series of videos where David Jansen shows you how to paint with acrylics while creating wonderful special gifts. Learn how to paint with acrylics. This is a sample of the format that we use to teach an online course.
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Learn how to paint a rose with Heritage Acrylics. This is a sample of the format that we use to teach an online course. Please watch the entire video to learn about new generation acrylics.
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We are painting roses every day- join the challenge! Learn to make decisions quickly and confidently as you paint along with David in this new series of rose painting exercises featuring Heritage MultiMedia Acrylics. We are uploading a new video every day for the next 30 days. Want to paint along?
Как нарисовать стеклянную вазу, драпировку скатерти, фон и наконец сами цветы в этом видео я рассказываю до мельчайших подробностей.Обьяснения -рассуждения во время работы над картиной.Попробуем что- то новое.