Titanium white
Ultramarine blue
Neon yellow
Neon orange
Neon red
Neon pink
Light purple violet
Dioxazine purple
Mars black
Artwork and tutorials are the property of Joni Young Art and are intended for personal enjoyment and learning of a student. You may not sell, create a print or mechanical reproduction of my lessons or any of my original artwork. This is a violation of my copyright and use policy.
If you share a tutorial or painting of mine please attribute original design by Joni Young Art. Thank you
Hi everyone, this is an acrylic painting tutorial of a fantasy world with a stairway to Heaven. We’ll be using some fantastic colours and techniques that you’re not going to want to miss, so join me and feel free to join ain’t along! Using the following colours and brushes on a 24x30 grey primed canvas:
Neon: yellow, orange, pink, red and rose { Brand Holbein Luminous, heavy body acrylics}
Turquoise Liquitex Basics
Light blue violet {Golden Acrylics}
Phthalo blue by Arteza
Purple By Colour By Feliks
Sap green Liquitex Basics
Black Apple Barrel
Liner brush
Oval or Any
Stipple brush for foliage
Large blending brush such as round 3” chalk paint brush
Ready to unlock all the potential in your next landscape painting? Use this quick trick for great results.
Learn how to use your brushes like a Professional Artist to achieve amazing detail in your paintings!
Learn to paint landscapes with step by step instruction. With just a bit of practice you can be happy with your trees, ocean waves, clouds and entire oil painting! For full video and DVD painting tutorial lessons and to order Kevins signature art brushes visit our site.
Just a little rustic Christmas tree, hangin out in the snow. A couple of cute pinecones, a frosty wooden fence, and a few little ornaments are all thats needed to make the holiday complete.
Check out the affiliate links page on my website for a full list of materials I use and recommend. If you make a purchase through those links, I may get a little bit of a commission which helps me continue to provide free painting tutorials for you. Yay! bit.ly/2C8lK8I
I’m painting on a 12x16-in Fredrix Red Label canvas. Get yours here: bit.ly/2ypzbg4
I used:
• 1-in flat brush
• 1/2-in flat
• 1/2-in angle
• 1/2-in filbert
• #8 filbert
• #8 bright
• #1 round
• #6 round
• Chalk pencils amzn.to/2RxWxbs
• Liquitex fluid matte medium (optional) amzn.to/2yw5D14
Get your Painting with Jane brushes at www.paintingwithjane.com/brushes
But you can use any colors you like. ***HEAVY BODY OR BASICS NOT REQUIRED. I simply tell you what I used because I get a lot of questions about it. Use whatever you have or whatever you prefer.***
Grab a set of my paint brushes, Art Monster swag, my original paintings, and sign up for my mailing list on my website at www.paintingwithjane.com or bit.ly/2esWni7
Notice: No part of this video may be reproduced or distributed without written permission from me. The painting demonstrated is owned by the artist and Pandemonium Art Gallery, and may not be reproduced except by individuals for the purpose of learning these techniques. This tutorial and painting presented are not available for commercial purposes and may not be duplicated to be used for classes or commercial sale without written permission from me.
«Silver Blue Light,» «Dreams Become Real,» and «Mesmerize» by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License creativecommons.org/licenses/b...
If you choose to support me on Patreon or you are helping me to keep on creating these paintings and videos.
I am following my dream of living as full time artist and together with your great help we well be able to create the beautiful paintings
Get access to the Patreon-only feed about upcoming videos with descriptions, sketch and photos of the process.
See each new video 2 day. Ealier than the rest of the world!
(approx. 10-15 per month).
Thank you for you constant support! I really do appreciate your kindness!
— ► Any Questions? Send me a mail or Contact on FB:
Painting pine trees is fun and easy when Linda walks you through step by step. She explains which brushes to use and how to load your brush with paint.
Join our ONLINE painting membership and get all our technique and full painting tutorials....https://vip.cocktailsandcolor.com/whyjoin/
In this video, you will learn the step-by-step method of how to paint snowy pine trees in a magical, winter wonderland. I will walk you through the process, beginning with the background and working our way forward to the pine trees and foreground. This process will teach you how to properly layer your colors and textures, creating a realistic effect both in the trees and the misty background. This project is PERFECT for holiday decorating and would also make an amazing gift! So get out your art supplies, and get painting. Subscribe for more fun projects to come.
I experiment with new acrylic pouring techniques and show you on YouTube.
Thank you very much for watching my video.
You can help my work through donations at any time. I always appreciate your contribution.
Donation: www.paypal.me/DesignerGemma77
Watching my videos and pressing on «subscription» and «like» also helps my channel.
Thank you so much: )
Notice 1
Have you been inspired by the videos on my channel? And do you want to create and upload a video similar(or same) to mine? If so, please include a link to the address of my channel and my video in the description. If you do that, I really appreciate it: )
Notice 2
Dont re-upload and edit in any form.
My Paint Mixing Formula for Acrylic Pouring
— Fluid Acrylic: Fluid medium -1:1
A Little Water
— Liquitex Basic Acrylic: Fluid medium — 8: 10
(The fluid medium I used is Elmer’s Glue-All.)
BGM: If You Close Your Eyes Im Still With You — Late Night Feeler,
Chords of harmony, Just stay
* The music I used is free music provided by YouTube.
-Music used
Moonlight Guides Me by Jonny Easton
Link: youtu.be/V8k3ugQ4SjI
Check out his channel
Link: www.youtube.com/jonnyeaston
-Reverie [Peaceful Piano CC-BY] — Scott Buckley: youtu.be/U5jC7ouN3e4
-Music provided by HearWeGo (https://goo.gl/nDS3zR)
Artist: Resonance
Привет зрители и подписчики канала. Из этого видео вы узнаете, как сделать сказочный дом из старых бутылок. Благодаря этому вы не только сделаете очень красивый домик Феи, но и убережете природу от лишнего стекла и пластика.
Для создания своего сказочного домика вам не обязательно подбирать бутылки такой же формы, какие используются в видео. Поищите у себя необычные банки и бутылки. Сказочный дом может иметь любую форму, поэтому не делайте все под линейку. Строгая симметрия здесь не нужна. Затем поставьте бутылки и банки так, как вам понравится и склейте их с помощью пистолета с горячим клеем. Если нужно, приклейте стены и крышу из картона и нанесите на домик феи первый слой бумажной глиной. Ее вы можете купить или сделать самостоятельно (смотрите ссылки ниже). В отличие от обычной глины, бумажная глина быстро сохнет, не дает усадку и не трескается. Разглаживать первый слой бумажной глины можно мокрыми пальцами. После нанесения на стены бумажной глины, не забывайте вырезать окна.
Когда первый слой высохнет, можно приступать к наклеиванию камней, дверей, черепицы, деревянных балок и т.д. Чтобы эти детали лучше приклеивались, первый слой бумажной глины нужно смачивать водой. Это можно делать с помощью пульверизатора или кисточки.
Когда дом феи полностью высохнет, его нужно покрасить. Для этого я использую акриловую краску.
Сделайте себе красивый сказочный домик из старых бутылок и сохраните природу.
«Весёлые поделки» — интересное, развлекательное и образовательное видео от талантливых авторов.
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