Dennis Perrin gives an oil painting demonstration. Dennis has a long history of painting botanicals and uses this universal subject to teach many aspects of painting. This live painting demonstration is sure to inspire.
About painting floral subjects, Dennis says;
«When we gaze deeply into a rose with the expectation of capturing its beauty in paint, we are treading on ground that no other has ever been or will ever go. We form a poignant bond with this demure creature. And if our minds are quiet and our hearts are soft, it’s secrets will be revealed.»
Натюрморт с гиацинтами. Репортаж из мастерской. Интервью
* Творческий путь
* Ложная иллюзия мастерства
* Художник пишет свое состояние
* Вечерние этюды
* Использование фотографий в работе над картинами
* Писать по-разному
* Натюрморт с гиацинтами в прямом эфире
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