видеоурок живопись маслом цветы дженкинс три белые розы

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Valentine Rose Painting, Pt 3 of 3, Oil Painting Techniques With Yovette

Part 3 of the Valentine Rose painting. Easy step by step! Completed in oil. What says love more than a Red Rose? Join me and paint along!

I am a Certified Bob Ross Instructor


Valentine Rose Basic Pt 1:

Valentine Rose Background Pt 2:

How to Paint a Basic Leaf:

How to Paint Basic Flower:

BRUSHES: 1/2 " floral brush, 3/4 floral brush, filbert brush, and round brush. Synthetic brushes will work also.

PAINT COLORS: Titanium white, Ultramarine blue, Sap or Hookers green, Turquoise, Alizarin Crimson, Cad red medium, Cad red light, Cad orange, and Cad yellow.

OTHER MATERIALS: Canvas 12x16 (or your choice of size). Clear oil medium, Odorless thinner, lots of paper towels.

EMAIL: paintingwithyovette@gmail.com
WEBSITE: www.mymagicbrushes.com

SUBSCRIBE: to my Channel for my newest video upload: www.youtube.com/PaintingWithYovette
Click on the “BELL” to the right of subscribe and then click “ALL” in the drop down menu to get all notifications immediately

If you decide to use anything in my video, please give proper credit to my channel.

If you send me a picture of your artwork, you are automatically giving me permission to use your photos on YouTube! Please make mention if you do not want your photo used! Thank you

The Beauty of Oil Painting Series 3 Episode 12, "Golden Rose"

Series 3 of the highly acclaimed PBS Series " The Beauty of Oil Painting " with Gary and Kathwren Jenkins. The companion Book #3 of these series can be ordered in the USA by calling Toll Free (1) 800 247 6553 or via our USA web shop www.bookmasters.com/Shop/Title/9783981161151 In Europe please visit our shop farbiflora.shop-012.de/shop2/index.php?user=farbiflora

Lets Paint a Basic Pink Flower , Oil Painting Techniques With Yovette

Watch my easy step by step instructions on how to paint this lovely translucent basic flower the way I teach it, using Bob Ross floral paint and the wet on wet technique.

I am a Certified Bob Ross Instructor.

Painting a Basic Leaf

How to paint a dew drop

PAINT Colors: Alizarin Crimson, Titanium White, Prussian Blue, Sap Green.

OTHER Materials: 1" brush, 1/2" floral brush, #12 filbert brush

EMAIL: paintingwithyovette@gmail.com
WEBSiTE: www.mymagicbrushes.com/

SUBSCRIBE: to my Channel for my newest video upload: www.youtube.com/PaintingWithYovette
Click on the “BELL” to the right of subscribe and then click “ALL” in the drop down menu to get all notifications immediately

The Beauty of Oil Painting, Series 3, Episode 1 " Roses and Gold Leaf "

Series 3 of the highly acclaimed PBS Series " The Beauty of Oil Painting " with Gary and Kathwren Jenkins. The companion Book #3 of these series can be ordered in the USA by calling Toll Free (1) 800 247 6553 or via our USA web shop www.bookmasters.com/Shop/Title/9783981161151

In Europe please visit our shop farbiflora.shop-012.de/shop2/index.php?user=farbiflora

Как написать пионы. Живопись маслом.

Канал сына, Семена — www.youtube.com/channel/UCcBNGuAtciyeLHIbmeLKTQQ?view_as=subscriber

Помощь каналу — www.donationalerts.com/r/svetlanarodionova
Предложения коммерческие — senyadigiter@gmail.com

Светлана Родионова в социальных сетях:

Как написать пионы. Живопись маслом.

Белые лилии. Белое на белом. Живопись маслом. РОЗЫГРЫШ КАРТИНЫ.

Для участия в розыгрыше картины, вам следует выполнить несколько пунктов:

1. Быть подписанным на канал Семена — www.youtube.com/channel/UCcBNGuAtciyeLHIbmeLKTQQ
2. Поставить лайк и оставить любой комментарий к этому видео — www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1s-To7CLd8
3. Итоги розыгрыша будут на канала Семена 1 мая в прямой трансляции.

Помощь каналу — www.donationalerts.com/r/svetlanarodionova
Предложения коммерческие — senyadigiter@gmail.com

Светлана Родионова в социальных сетях: