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▶Blogger NAMIL ART namilart.blogspot.com/
▶ NAVER 블로그 남일 수채화 Gallery" blog.naver.com/terorrorist8
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Without Sketch Landscape Watercolor — Winter Birch (color mixing view) NAMIL ART
스케치 없이 풍경 수채화 그리기 — 겨울 자작나무 (칼라 혼합 보기)남일수채화
Инструменты и материалы, которые я использовал на этой картинке:
бумага: CANSON 300 г / ㎡ холодного отжима
акварель: SWC акварель
This is another color that I use constantly. I almost eat it. Today we will see how @DANIEL SMITH Quinacridone Sienna behaves in combination with some other colors from my minimal travel set. For the object, I chose a small nice street in Italy. 13 x 11 inches, Arches paper.
Feel free to ask me any questions!!!
The painting made during this video is available for purchase. Contact me through my website for further details: michaelsolovyev.net
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▶Blogger NAMIL ART namilart.blogspot.com/
▶ NAVER 블로그 남일 수채화 Gallery" blog.naver.com/terorrorist8
▶YouTube You Art
Without Sketch Landscape Watercolor — Stone Bridge (color mixing) NAMIL ART
스케치 없이 풍경 수채화 그리기 — 돌다리 (칼라 혼합 과정, 아르쉬 황목)남일 수채화
▶If you like the video~ please press Subscribe and Like~
Thank you for watching~
▶Blogger NAMIL ART namilart.blogspot.com/
▶ NAVER 블로그 남일 수채화 Gallery" blog.naver.com/terorrorist8
▶YouTube You Art
Winter Landscape Watercolor — Snowy Scene (color mixing view) NAMIL ART
겨울 풍경 수채화 — 눈 쌓인 풍경 (칼라 혼합 보기. 아르쉬 황목) 남일수채화