Подробнее о беспроводном пылесосе POWERstick Jet™: bit.ly/2kmL6YS
— Акриловая краска
— Клей ПВА: ВАЖНО прозрачный при засыхании!
— Акриловый лак на водной основе: ВАЖНО прозрачный при засыхании, бесцветный (матовый или глянцевый, по желанию)
— Силиконовая смазка (моя от АвтоМастер, можете погуглить состав)
— вода
ПРОПОРЦИИ: 1 ст.л. Акриловой краски 3 ст.л. Клея ПВА 6 ст.л. ЛАКА примерно 3 ст.л. воды 1 пшик Силикона
In this basic step by step painting tutorial in acrylics on how to paint winter Christmas eve with snowman and house in full 1 hour instructional lesson for beginners.
In this tutorial, you can learn on how to paint falling snow on winter with a house, moon and a snowman. You can also learn on how to paint night scene with shining moonlight… Please dont forget to subscribe, comment, like and share :)
Acrylic Paint Colors:
Titanium white
Phthalo Blue / Ultramarine Blue / Primary Blue
Brilliant Red / Primary Red / Cadmium Red
Medium Yellow / Primary Yellow
Raw Umber / Burnt Umber / Burnt Sienna
Number 12 Nylon Flat Brush (Long Handle)
Number 8 Nylon Flat Brush (Long Handle)
Number 7 Nylon Flat Brush (Short Handle)
Number 3 Nylon Flat Brush (Short Handle)
Number 0 Nylon Liner Brush or Round Brush
or No. 1, 00, 000 (Short Handle)
Prelude No. 23 by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: chriszabriskie.com/preludes/
Artist: chriszabriskie.com/
This is a painting tutorial i did today. Learn how to paint this winter landscape using acrylic. Hope you enjoy it! Dont forget to subscribe and stay updated for more videos! Thank you for watching!