
Painting a Forest in Shades of Grey / Cotton Swabs Painting Technique #440

Painting of Shades of Grey / Acrylic Painting Techniques

❖ My videos are showing how to paint with acrylic, watercolor and other techniques on the various tutorials offered, especially how to use ordinary household objects in creative art. Hope you enjoy my painting.

❖ Channel Membership:
Please become a member of my channel. You can buy me a cup of coffee. ♥
❖ Patreon: www.patreon.com/jayartpainting
❖ Donation: paypal.me/jayartpainting
I do this as my full time job, so your support is very much appreciated.

❖ I dont sell my artwork, because Its one of my dream that I display all my artworks at my future studio and let people visit my space when I become an old artist.

❖ 안녕하세요 제이입니다. 저는 한국사람이고요 제 그림 영상은 미국, 독일을 비롯해 많은 외국사람들이 봐주세요. 그래도 몇몇 한국 분들이 댓글 달아 주시는데 너무너무 감사드립니다.

❖ 哈囉~~大家好,我來自韓國,因為老婆是台灣人,所以住在台灣。我的影片內容是教大家使用水彩畫及介紹不同的畫畫方法,謝謝你們的觀看!

❖ Music
Meditation Impromptu 03 by Kevin MacLeod

Mesmerize by Kevin MacLeod

❖ Contacts
IG, FB: @jayartpainting
E-mail: tkstoryman@hotmail.com

La forêt endormie - cours de peinture acrylique avec Bruno Lemasson - comment peindre acrylic lesson

Cours de peinture acrylique (ou huile) avec Bruno Lemasson artiste peintre.
Création à vitesse normale du tableau «La forêt endormie» à la peinture acrylique.
Apprendre comment peindre une forêt, un arbre,la neige, lhiver, le ciel, leau, les reflets, un paysage à lacrylique (ou à lhuile).
Leçon complète, cours complet.
Retrouvez lunivers artistique de Bruno Lemasson sur son site www.LB-art.fr où il mélange impressionnisme, surréalisme, abstrait, figuratif

Painting lesson, learn how to paint with acrylics or oil tree, forest, snow, winter, sky, landscape, reflexion.
Complete lesson.

Affilié à la Maison des Artistes, jhabite dans le sud de la France, entre Montpellier et Nîmes, dans la région de Lunel mais je suis né dans lest de la France où jai passé mon enfance.
Amoureux du dessin et de la peinture depuis lenfance, il était pour moi inévitable que jen fasse un jour une véritable activité artistique professionnelle.

Jai grandi à la campagne et en forêt, aujourd’hui je m’y ressource dès que possible, jy trouve mon inspiration et mes aspirations.
Mon cheminement d’artiste m’a donc naturellement mené à peindre des forêts et paysages bucoliques stylisés, personnalisés, empreints d’une touche contemporaine et moderne.
Bienvenue dans un monde féérique, fantastique, méditatif, envoutant, dombre et de lumière, de contrastes, de spiritualité et de sensualité.
Entrez dans un univers où la nature est reine, où les arbres sont des personnages qui vous content des histoires, des moments de vie et vous emmènent dans un moment dévasion, de lâcher prise en vous entrainant dans un monde surréaliste et lyrique.
A travers toutes ses métaphores je pose sur la toile des moment de ma vie, des états dâme, je vous livre ainsi une ode à la nature, un appel à prendre conscience que notre devoir est de la préserver, la protéger, en être les gardiens.

Ma devise artistique: «Je ne peins pas que pour exprimer mes émotions… mais pour faire naître les vôtres.»

Iron scrubber painting technique / Painting deep in the woods / Easy creative art

Acrylic Painting Techniques — JayLee — How to paint
❖ Jay Lee is a painting youtuber. My videos are showing how to paint flowers, nature and other techniques on the various tutorials offered. Hope you enjoy my painting.
— ❖ Channel Membership:
Please become a member of my channel. You can buy me a cup of coffee. ♥
❖ Patreon: www.patreon.com/jayartpainting
❖ PayPal Donation: paypal.me/jayartpainting
I do this as my full time job, so your support is very much appreciated.
— ❖ Jay Lees Store: teespring.com/stores/jayartpainting
— ❖ 안녕하세요 그림 유튜버 제이입니다. 저는 한국사람이고요 제 그림 영상은 미국, 인도를 비롯해 전세계 사람들이 조금씩 봐주세요. 그래서 영어가 많답니다. 그래도 몇몇 한국 분들이 댓글 달아 주시는데 너무너무 감사드립니다.
❖ 哈囉~~大家好,我來自韓國,因為老婆是台灣人,所以住在台灣。我的影片內容是教大家使用水彩畫及介紹不同的畫畫方法,謝謝你們的觀看!
— ❖ Music
Meditation Impromptu 03 by Kevin MacLeod
— ❖ Contacts
IG, FB: @jayartpainting
E-mail: tkstoryman@hotmail.com

Tree Abstract Landscape Painting / Cotton Swabs Painting Technique # 435

Painting of Tree Abstract Landscape / Acrylic Painting Techniques

❖ My videos are showing how to paint with acrylic, watercolor and other techniques on the various tutorials offered, especially how to use ordinary household objects in creative art. Hope you enjoy my painting.

❖ Channel Membership:
Please become a member of my channel. You can buy me a cup of coffee. ♥
❖ Patreon: www.patreon.com/jayartpainting
❖ Donation: paypal.me/jayartpainting
I do this as my full time job, so your support is very much appreciated.

❖ I dont sell my artwork, because Its one of my dream that I display all my artworks at my future studio and let people visit my space when I become an old artist.

❖ 안녕하세요 제이입니다. 저는 한국사람이고요 제 그림 영상은 미국, 독일을 비롯해 많은 외국사람들이 봐주세요. 그래도 몇몇 한국 분들이 댓글 달아 주시는데 너무너무 감사드립니다.

❖ 哈囉~~大家好,我來自韓國,因為老婆是台灣人,所以住在台灣。我的影片內容是教大家使用水彩畫及介紹不同的畫畫方法,謝謝你們的觀看!

❖ Music
Meditation Impromptu 03 by Kevin MacLeod

Mesmerize by Kevin MacLeod

❖ Contacts
IG, FB: @jayartpainting
E-mail: tkstoryman@hotmail.com

Easy Christmas Painting Tutorial - DIY Christmas Ornament Gift (Beginner Acrylic)

I know its a little early to be getting into the holiday season, but if you have a lot of DIY Christmas gifts to make, its time to jump on it! I wanted to share this little painting tutorial of a Christmas tree painting on a small wood ornament. In this tutorial we use only acrylic paints as I show you how to paint and make a tiny tree on a Christmas ornament for your friends and family.

This is a very simple and beginner friendly painting tutorial. If you are a beginner painter but still want to make something sweet and homemade for your loved once, this is the perfect painting for you. Happy early holidays!

This wooden ornament was hand cut and drilled by us, BUT if you dont have excess to power tools or random branches laying around like me, Here is a link where you can buy some very similar ornaments to paint on! www.michaels.com/20ct-3.15in-pinewood-round-ornaments-by-artminds/10644253.html

Acrylic Painting Tutorial - Pride Inspired Landscape (Beginner)


National Center for Transgender Equality

The Marsha P. Johnson Institute

The Okra Project

As pride month comes to an end I wanted to do a little painting tutorial in celebration. And I wanted to specifically celebrate a very important and beautiful part of the LGBTQ community, the trans community. In this tutorial we make a painting inspired by the colors of the trans flag which are pink, blue, and white in honor of a massively influential figure, Marsha P. Johnson.

This is a beginner style acrylic painting tutorial that focuses on blending and layering silhouettes to create depth. This totally took me probably about an hour to complete, but you can take as much time as you want!

Sending you lots of love this pride month!

Easy Snowy Christmas Tree | Acrylic Painting Tutorial for Beginners

▶Get the step-by-step tutorial on my blog: www.thebuzzedartist.com/snowy-christmas-tree/
▶SUBSCRIBE for more Tutorials: bit.ly/theBuzzedArtist
▶Buy this Print: bit.ly/2GsKhrW

Queen Bees! We are painting this cute and easy snowy Christmas tree in a forest using acrylic paints on canvas! This is perfect to hang up in your house as part of your Christmas decor or to give as a gift to a friend.

******************PAINT SUPPLIES I USE******************
-8.5«x11» Canvas Paper (taped to a sturdy surface)*: amzn.to/2MO56AT

¾” Flat Wash Brush: amzn.to/2NjNETZ
#10 Filbert Brush: amzn.to/2OvQmq9
#10 Flat Shader: amzn.to/2CneOVY
#0 Detail Round: amzn.to/2wLpaJ9

Mars Black Acrylic Paint: amzn.to/2wKWbVU
Primary Red Acrylic Paint: amzn.to/2wU34Fp
Primary Yellow Acrylic Paint: amzn.to/2NOHUP7
Primary Blue Acrylic Paint: amzn.to/2PGGlDl
Titanium White Acrylic Paint: amzn.to/2oIVxon
Acrylic Paint Basics: amzn.to/2LZpgCH

*items are affiliate links which come at NO extra cost to you, my darling Queen Bees! If you wish to support this channel and send me an extra thank you, be sure to use the links above!

*******************LETS LEARN ART TOGETHER!***********************
➡Master color-mixing with my Color Mixing Fundamentals Course: bit.ly/30WMX68

I create fun and easy step-by-step acrylic painting tutorials for beginner artists or anyone looking to let loose and just have fun with acrylic paint! I believe painting is for everyone-and the more you practice, the more you grow your creativity!

Like and Subscribe for more step-by-step painting videos!




If you have any ideas on future paintings and other scenes you would love tutorials on, drop me a comment! Or share on my Facebook Like Page: bit.ly/BuzzedArtistFB

Like and Subscribe for more step-by-step painting videos!