
Палетка. Рисуем по клеткам.

Дорогие друзья! Сегодня я решил записать для вас видеоурок о способе срисовывания с фотографии при помощи клеток (палетки) на примере портрета на формате А4 (20х30см). Искал что-то похожее в сети, но, кажется, я первый кто об этом рассказывает. Попытался сделать урок понятным насколько смог =)
Свои вопросы и результаты творческих трудов вы можете оставлять в комментариях.

Файл сетки можно скачать тут: vk.com/doc16946410_209896630
Как создать сетку самому в CorelDraw: youtu.be/ZjmBOzi2vT8

Artist Draws Hyperrealistic Portraits Using Bic Ballpoint Pens

Oscar Ukonu is a hyperrealistic artist in Nigeria. Hes a self-taught artist who has been creating these pieces with ballpoint pens since 2014. Each piece can take him almost six weeks to create using three basic techniques: hatching, crosshatching, and scribbling. He’ll switch between 10 of the same pens to create the portrait. The theme of his work is Afro-realism, which he describes as a diverse way of viewing the African experience and identity with regards to things like gender, religion, and politics.

For more, visit:

Artist Sculpts Eerily Realistic Body Parts
Artist Makes Hyperrealistic Sculptures Of Celebrities
Artist Jesse Lane Creates Hyperrealistic Skin Using Only Colored Pencils

— #Portraits #Pens #ArtInsider

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Artist Draws Hyperrealistic Portraits Using Bic Ballpoint Pens

Урок для тех, кто хочет научиться рисовать. Рисую портрет цветными карандашами.

✅ Полные Видео уроки /скачать/ www.gusev-sergey.com
✅ Подписка www.youtube.com/channel/UCbJsUzyyGjZ7-9bm8_Pj-tA?disable_polymer=true
✅ instagram www.instagram.com/sergey_gusev_artist/
✅ facebook www.facebook.com/sergey.gusev.fineart/?ref=settings
Купон 10% SergeyGusev1 (до 10/3/2018)
Arteza сайт: arteza.com/?a_aid=Youtube_SergeyGusev

Цветные карандаши (Набор 72 цвета) arteza.com/collections/pencils/products/arteza-professional-colored-pencils-set-of-72?a_aid=Youtube_SergeyGusev


Paint.NET — проста в использовании программа поможет Вам исправить и выровнять почти любой Вам понравившийся рисунок, портрет или заготовку на эскиз. А фишка с яндексом поможет Вам найти подобные эскизы, рисунки и т. д.

Про мастер-класс обращаться сюда — vk.com/tattoo.duda
Школа тату. Советы начинающим — vk.com/newbitattoo
— CLUB TATTOO DUDA — vk.com/club.tattoo.dimon

1) MK2 – Leavin
2) Jensation — Joystick
3) Ramon Tapia — True Definition (Original mix)

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Видео\Монтаж — vk.com/id152649077

Я Вконтакте — vk.com/tattoo.duda
Группа Вконтакте — vk.com/club.tattoo.dimon
Инстаграм: www.instagram.com/tattoo_duda/

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Апокалипсис (Apocalypto) реализм. Рисунок карандашами

Кадр из фильма Мела Гибсона «Апокалипсис» (Аpocalypto)
Каменное небо, отец Лапы ягуара
Pencils: 8H, 5H, HB, 2B, 8B

Instagram: www.instagram.com/irinarogulina/
VK: vk.com/id39614364
Facebook: www.facebook.com/irina.rogulina.581
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/IrinaRogulina/videos
TW: twitter.com/irina_rogulina

Hyperrealism graphite drawing techniques and tutorial with Paul Stowe I Colour In Your Life

In this fine art TV show episode Paul Stowe is interviewed with Colour In Your Life about painting, drawing, art workshops, art tips and art techniques.


New fine art TV show episodes loaded every Wednesday AEST.

Fine Art TV Series — Colour In Your Life
Season — 15
Episode — 08
Filmed on Location at — St Ives, Cornwall, the UK.

Following a 20 year Hiatus Paul picked up his pencils again and started drawing back in 2012. Turning professional in 2016 Paul has won accolades across the globe, initially exhibiting and selling work in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore and Thailand he now resides in the centre for contemporary British Art and the Tate Modern Gallery, St. Ives, Cornwall.
From his open studio and commercial gallery in the town he spends hours, weeks and months drawing incredibly detailed images inspired by the plethora of artists and art in the local area.
His work is on permanent display in the www.stowe.gallery in St. Ives and with individual and corporate collections across the world.
Paul is currently open for commissions, specialising in Portraits and still life work.

The Colour In Your Life fine art TV series is an art show that takes you into the everyday studios of artists from around the world. While in the studio they share their individual art techniques and art tips with the viewer in a relaxed atmosphere, with a delightfully Australian host and fellow artist, Graeme Stevenson. The artist shares with the viewer their stories of life, painting, drawing, sculpting, art workshops and any art lessons they may provide. The art TV series is currently filmed in Australia, New Zealand and the United States.

Graeme Stevenson, a world renowned artist himself, rides his Harley Davidson to the studios of artists all over the world and allows the viewers a chance to see some of the greatest artists of the world in action.

A wonderfully engaging art show. If you love creativity and the joy of looking at the world through art, then Colour In Your Life is the place to be.

Colour In Your Life is an Australian owned and produced TV art show.
Subscribe here — bit.ly/ColourInYourLife