
How to Paint the Ocean in Oils - Large Seascape Painting "Beginnings" by Eva Volf

This painting time lapse shows the process of creating my new large ocean oil painting «Beginnings». The original seascape painting measures 60x48 inches and is in private collection now.

Please note: any paintings created using my tutorials are not viable to sell. This is a copyright issue.

I used a reference photo I took on a cloudy morning on Cape Hatteras in the Outer Banks, North Carolina.
Here I offer an insight into my technique and hope that all my artist-friends will find it useful or at least entertaining. I strongly urge you not to make copies of this painting for commercial use (as it is copyrighted) but youre most welcome to try out some techniques I taught myself over the years, like my absolute favorite one — finger painting the sky.
I used the following colors to create this moody ocean painting:
titanium white, ultramarine blue, viridian, burnt umber, Paynes gray, cadmium yellow, Prussian blue, a touch of premixed Portland warm gray (can be easily mixed). I also used Liquin as a medium. This painting took me 5 sessions x 4 hours and I let it dry completely in between them.

To learn more about my creative journey please visit my social networks:

Please check out my other paintings:

To read what my customers are saying, click this link to my reviews: www.etsy.com/shop/EvaVolfSeascapes/reviews

Soundtrack: Shimmering Waves by the Euclidean Stairway.

Thank you very much for watching! Hope you enjoy it!

Your support and encouragement are much appreciated!

Without Sketch Landscape Watercolor - Wave (color mixing, Arches) NAMIL ART

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Without Sketch Landscape Watercolor — Wave (color mixing, Arches) NAMIL ART
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БЕСПЛАТНО! Полный Видеоурок "Прозрачная волна" Сахаров

Приобрести, рекомендованные худ. Сахаровым материалы для живописи маслом( холсты, кисти, мастихины, стартовые наборы) и т.д. Москва, Россия 7 916 020 60 77 ВСЕ НОВОЕ НА saharov.tv

"Awakening" (Summer Thunderstorm) Acrylic. Artist Viktor Yushkevich. #15 photos in 2020.

Friends, I welcome everyone to my channel UVN Art. Picture «Awakening» (Summer Thunderstorm) Acrylic. Artist Viktor Yushkevich. #15 photos in 2020.

The painting «Awakening» (summer thunderstorm).
How much can the picture say. The black sky, catching up with melancholy and fear of the storm. Incredibly beautiful meadow, which was shrouded in heavy rain and wind. In the distance you can see the sea, which hardly endures every lightning. A flock of birds flying away from the rain. But one thing is comforting, a bright sky is visible in the sky, meaning that the storm will end soon. Although at this moment it’s not nice to be outside, it’s incredibly beautiful to watch. Watching nature seem to get hit so that everything around wakes up again. If you imagine how much this sea had to overcome lightning and thunderstorms — do not count. How many times all mammals woke up from a blow, and seemed to begin to come to life. In this picture there is both beauty and anxiety, all in one.
And how many poems, short stories, and poems were written — connected with a thunderstorm. Reading them is a pleasure, and here you can also watch — this is an incredible beauty.
M.Yu. Lermantov wrote:
«Thunder roars, clouds smoke
Above the dark abyss of the sea
And whip the foam boiling
Crowding, waves among themselves.
Around the rocks with a fiery ribbon curls
Sad lightning snake
Elemental alarming swarm revels — And here I stand motionless… „
I believe that poetry is very suitable for paintings. Together they can say a lot!

Friends, you can see the full picture on my new platform www.patreon.com/UVN_Art
On this platform, I will tell you many of my secrets to successful painting. I invite you to subscribe to my page, thereby helping to support financially my project that I am opening for you.

Friends follow the link to see more of my paintings.

See you in the next video.
Sincerely, Victor.
You can also watch my other videos:
Acrylic painting on canvas
▶ video youtu.be/rOY5JqNZCn0
▶ video youtu.be/Diq3G_PVDqo
▶ video youtu.be/NB9uVGiarLM
▶ video youtu.be/8agn2p9aAfE
▶ video youtu.be/EYYMhgB8kzk
▶ video youtu.be/Do7kZuk5Zhg

Official page of artist Viktor Yushkevich
Patreon: www.patreon.com/UVN_Art
Classmates: ok.ru/uvnart
Instagram: www.instagram.com/u.v.n_art
Facebook: www.facebook.com/art.u.v.n
Email: UVN.Art@outlook.com
Email: vitek1961@mail.ru
WhatsApp 7 926 732-52-65

#Awakening #Summer #Thunderstorm #Acrylic #Artist #ViktorYushkevich #UVNArt #picture #photos #realism #forest #Painter #MasterClass #Art #sketch #acrylicpaint

"Russia" (Summer landscape) Acrylic. Artist - Viktor Yushkevich. #14 photos in 2020.

Friends, I welcome everyone to my channel UVN Art. Picture «Russia» (Summer landscape) Acrylic. Artist — Viktor Yushkevich. #14 photos in 2020.

I give your attention to the picture «Russia» (Summer landscape). This picture is very reminiscent of what the Russian poet A.S. describes in his poems Pushkin. That incredible beauty, nature. It seems like every plant carries its own story. Incredible beauty of the sky, which endows with its tranquility and peace. Ease and ease is what I feel when I look at birches. And their shadow seems to attract to itself, in such warm weather. Below is a river — it is supposedly destined to be in this place. That is how I imagined this picture. Wildflowers, from which one wants to make a bouquet for a beloved woman. How much calm and peace in this picture. There, in the distance, you can see the village, and Im sure the beauty in it is the same as in this meadow. And as soon as the wind blows, you can immediately hear the branches of the trees swaying, the river giving its light waves, the flowers seem to come to life. And how the song of birds comes from far away. Each time, painting a picture — I paint my story.
And I want to end with verses of the great poet S.A. Yesenin, also a Russian writer:
“Oh you, Russia, my motherland is meek,
Only for you I love the shore.
Your joy is short fun
With a loud song in the spring in the meadow. ”

Friends, you can see the full picture on my new platform www.patreon.com/UVN_Art
On this platform, I will tell you many of my secrets to successful painting. I invite you to subscribe to my page, thereby helping to support financially my project that I am opening for you.

Friends follow the link to see more of my paintings.

See you in the next video.
Sincerely, Victor.
You can also watch my other videos:
Acrylic painting on canvas
▶ video youtu.be/Go6i19GxDAY
▶ video youtu.be/ZJXVoQ05xvM
▶ video youtu.be/X4X9CuGxcik
▶ video youtu.be/NQRbNhebB84
▶ video youtu.be/rOY5JqNZCn0
▶ video youtu.be/Diq3G_PVDqo
▶ video youtu.be/NB9uVGiarLM
▶ video youtu.be/8agn2p9aAfE
▶ video youtu.be/EYYMhgB8kzk
▶ video youtu.be/Do7kZuk5Zhg

Official page of artist Viktor Yushkevich
Patreon: www.patreon.com/UVN_Art
Classmates: ok.ru/uvnart
Instagram: www.instagram.com/u.v.n_art
Facebook: www.facebook.com/art.u.v.n
Email: UVN.Art@outlook.com
Email: vitek1961@mail.ru
WhatsApp 7 926 732-52-65

#Russia #Summerlandscape #Acrylic #ViktorYushkevich #UVNArt #picture #Artist #photos #realism #forest #Painter #MasterClass #Art #sketch #acrylicpaint

Курсы рисования для взрослых в Москве, обучение живописи , художник Игорь Сахаров

Приобрести, рекомендованные худ. Сахаровым материалы для живописи маслом( холсты, кисти, мастихины, стартовые наборы) и т.д. Москва, Россия 7 916 020 60 77 ВСЕ НОВОЕ НА saharov.tv

Записаться на мастер-класс Игоря Сахарова 7 915 331 60 53
Записаться на мастер-класс в Киеве 380991166086

Мороз и солнце. Мастер-класс. Master class from Oleg Buiko.

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Приглашаю на свои мастер-классы в Москве: www.buiko.ru/#!blank-5/hk7e2
Почта 126801@gmail.com Тел. 79104967233 Вконтакте- m.vk.com/buikoo
О покупке муштабеля и Кистей для цветочной живописи — www.buiko.ru/v-prodazhe

To buy Brushes for painting flowers - www.buiko.ru/kopiya-kisti-dlya-cvetochnoj-zhivop
To buy the Maulstick (Artist Handrest) — www.buiko.ru/kopiya-mushtabel
You can help the channel financially! ( PayPal 126801@gmail.com Web Money 873703924729 )

Теги «Олег Буйко»«живопись маслом» «oil painting» «уроки живописи» «уроки рисования» «живопись с нуля» «видеоурок» «картина маслом» «научиться рисовать» «творчество» «графика» «рисунок» «художник» «картины маслом» «рисование» «бесплатно» «мастаеркласс» " картина, пейзаж" натюрморт, портрет" «скачать бесплатно» «Process of creating oil painting» " Быстрая живопись" «oil painting» «Free lessons and tutorials» «Step-by-Step» «Art and design» «Learn to Paint» «art» " landscape art" «Free Art Lessons» «Online How to Oil Paint» «Workshop Video» «Lectures » «Drawing Learn

Экспресс-урок «Разбавители для масляной живописи»

Преподаватель проекта Художник Online Екатерина Бердюгина рассказывает о разбавителях и вспомогательных жидкостях для масляной живописи. В этом видео мы разберем:

Дамарный лак
Ретушный лак
Льняное масло
Уайт Спирит

Сначала Екатерина расскажет о свойствах каждой жидкости, а потом покажет на примере, как все это работает.

Курс по масляной живописи: www.hudozhnik.online/maslo