
Atmospheric Sunset 2 / Acrylic / STEP BY STEP #143 / 아크릴화

Today, I drew a atmospheric sunset.
Beginners can draw along easily.

Follow me step by step.

Please subscribe and like. Thank you~~

오늘은 분위기있는 노을풍경을 그려보았어요.

초보자 분들도 쉽게 따라 그릴수 있어요.

차근차근 따라그려보세요.

구독과 좋아요 꼭 부탁드려요. 감사합니다~~

Colors listed on the screen

-Acrylic painting

-Canvas 25cm*25cm

BGM uses the YouTube library

— Email: hnbr0302@gmail.com

#AcrylicPainting #dailypainting #satisfying

Sunrise / Easy acrylic painting for beginners / PaintingTutorial / Painting ASMR

This is a simple and easy acrylic painting for beginners on mini canvas.

Today, I am going to paint sunrise, requested by one of subscribers.

Thank you for watching. Please dont forget to subscribe and click the like button.
See you on my next video!!!

— Acrylic Color: Liquitex, Golden, Winsor

Winter scenery / Acrylic Painting / STEP by STEP #188 / 겨울 풍경 아크릴화

Today, I drew a winter scenery.
Beginners can draw along easily.

Follow me step by step.

Please subscribe and like. Thank you~~

오늘은 겨울 풍경을 그려보았어요.

초보자 분들도 쉽게 따라 그릴수 있어요.

차근차근 따라그려보세요.

구독과 좋아요 꼭 부탁드려요. 감사합니다~~

Colors listed on the screen

-Acrylic painting

-Canvas 25cm*25cm

BGM uses the YouTube library

— Email: hnbr0302@gmail.com

#AcrylicPainting #dailypainting #winterpainting

Red Sunset / Acrylic Painting for Beginners / STEP by STEP #178 / 붉은노을 아크릴화 그리기

Today, I drew a red sunset.
Beginners can draw along easily.

Follow me step by step.

Please subscribe and like. Thank you~~

오늘은 붉은 노을이 보이는 풍경을 그려보았어요.

초보자 분들도 쉽게 따라 그릴수 있어요.

차근차근 따라그려보세요.

구독과 좋아요 꼭 부탁드려요. 감사합니다~~

Colors listed on the screen

-Acrylic painting

-Canvas 28cm*22cm

BGM uses the YouTube library

— Email: hnbr0302@gmail.com

#AcrylicPainting #dailypainting #sunsetpainting

Acrylic Landscape Painting in Time-lapse / The Rivers Water Reflections / JMLisondra

In the full tutorial of this acrylic landscape painting in time-lapse you can learn on how to paint the rivers water reflections by jmlisondra. ▶▶SUBSCRIBE HERE: www.youtube.com/user/artjomalis?sub_confirmation=1

In the full tutorial, you can learn on how to paint realistic water reflection on the river, you can also learn on how to paint realistic trees, bushes and grasses. Its a full step by step easy and basic acrylic landscape painting tutorial for beginners and advanced artists.

Watch the full tutorial here: youtu.be/Gb8Eb1AHp3U

Acrylic Paint Colors:

Titanium white
Phthalo Blue / Ultramarine Blue / Primary Blue
Brilliant Red / Primary Red / Cadmium Red
Medium Yellow / Primary Yellow
Raw Umber / Burnt Umber / Burnt Sienna
Buy Acrylic Paints-https://www.amazon.com/shop/artofjohnmagnelisondra?listId=1YT4AOWM9Q1JQ


Number 12 Nylon Flat Brush (Long Handle)
Number 8 Nylon Flat Brush (Long Handle)
Number 7 Nylon Flat Brush (Short Handle)
Number 3 Nylon Flat Brush (Short Handle)
Number 0 Nylon Liner Brush or Round Brush
or No. 1, 00, 000 (Short Handle)
Buy Brushes-https://www.amazon.com/shop/artofjohnmagnelisondra?listId=1KM0N75JINIIV
Buy Canvas-https://www.amazon.com/shop/artofjohnmagnelisondra?listId=1V0Y42W9SBO90
Buy Easel-https://www.amazon.com/shop/artofjohnmagnelisondra?listId=2O3YWTUQNZTGI

Thank you for watching!

Recommended Art Materials: www.jmlisondra.com/blog/v/Recommended_Art_Materials_Availabe_at_Amazon

Become my Patron: www.patreon.com/jmlisondra

Website: www.jmlisondra.com
FB Page: www.facebook.com/jmlisondraArts
FB Group: www.facebook.com/groups/paintwithJMLisondra
Twitter: twitter.com/artjoma
G: plus.google.com/ JohnmagneLisondra
Instagram: www.instagram.com/artjomalis/
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/jmlisondra
Email: magnean18@gmail.com

Donate: www.paypal.me/jmlisondra

How to Start Acrylic Painting:
— How to Make Canvas: youtu.be/YnHy3OAE9b0
— Basic Color Mixing Using 5 Limited Colors: youtu.be/uMxssCDdFoE
— 3 Ways to Blend Acrylic Paints: youtu.be/_LRaGew8axw
— How to Paint Lights and Shadows: youtu.be/CoSVkwsfHYs
— Color Mixing to Match the Reference: youtu.be/nueLUZxvxS8

How to Paint Trees:

How to Paint Flowers:

How to Paint Mountains:

Portrait Painting Tutorials:
— How to Paint Realistic Portrait: youtu.be/jRDeqLY2p8E
— How to Paint Realistic Eye: youtu.be/kAlDWoKg5DE
— How to Paint Realistic Lips: youtu.be/O6BTg31AtAU
— Portrait of Beautiful Lady Tutorial: youtu.be/4oL8q1yqxHo

Beach Painting Tutorials:
— How to Paint Realistic Beach with Crashing Waves: youtu.be/NtDf4_BLQp4
— How to Paint Tropical Beach: youtu.be/2YnmrEQVsXc
— How to Paint Moonlight over the Beach: youtu.be/qStcu8VpTmw

Houses, Cabins and Barns Acrylic Painting Tutorials:
— How to PaintItalian Villa and Flower Garden Painting Tutorial: youtu.be/SU0Av7_tcyE
— How to Paint Concrete Old Houses Near the Beach: youtu.be/PscMq6M0uow
— How to Paint House in Forest: youtu.be/o4CcFbMemYU
— How to Paint Villages Houses: youtu.be/Td_k6PL3un8

and Many more on my Youtube Channel

Background Music:

Prelude No. 23 by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: chriszabriskie.com/preludes/
Artist: chriszabriskie.com/


Aakashi Gandhi For Background Music

#painting #acrylicpainting #paintingtutorial

Hairpins painting technique / Acrylic painting / Starlight moonlight girl

Acrylic Painting Techniques — JayLee — How to paint
❖ Jay Lee is a painting youtuber. My videos are showing how to paint flowers, nature and other techniques on the various tutorials offered. Hope you enjoy my painting.
— ❖ Channel Membership:
Please become a member of my channel. You can buy me a cup of coffee. ♥
❖ Patreon: www.patreon.com/jayartpainting
❖ PayPal Donation: paypal.me/jayartpainting
I do this as my full time job, so your support is very much appreciated.
— ❖ Jay Lees Store: teespring.com/stores/jayartpainting
— ❖ 안녕하세요 그림 유튜버 제이입니다. 저는 한국사람이고요 제 그림 영상은 미국, 인도를 비롯해 전세계 사람들이 조금씩 봐주세요. 그래서 영어가 많답니다. 그래도 몇몇 한국 분들이 댓글 달아 주시는데 너무너무 감사드립니다.
❖ 哈囉~~大家好,我來自韓國,因為老婆是台灣人,所以住在台灣。我的影片內容是教大家使用水彩畫及介紹不同的畫畫方法,謝謝你們的觀看!
— ❖ Music
Mesmerize by Kevin MacLeod

— ❖ Contacts
IG, FB: @jayartpainting
E-mail: tkstoryman@hotmail.com

ВИНО И БОКАЛЫ |Натюрморт|Акрил, холст, мастихин

ytimg.preload(https://r5---sn-axq7sn76.googlevideo.com/generate_204);ytimg.preload(https://r5---sn-axq7sn76.googlevideo.com/generate_204?conn2);ВИНО И БОКАЛЫ |Натюрморт|Акрил, холст, мастихин — YouTube<link rel=«alternate» type=«application/json oembed» href=«www.youtube.com/oembed?format=json

Acrylic Painting Pink Clouds and Waves Seascape

Learn how to paint clouds and waves using acrylics. Dont forget to subscribe to stay updated for more videos! Thanks for watching!

Canvas size: 8«x10» on stretched canvas

Color used: Acrylic Paints
Titanium white
Ultramarine Blue
Primary Red
Primary Yellow/ Cadmium Yellow Medium
Deep Green

Brushes used:
Number 4 Nylon Flat Brush
Number 6 Nylon Filbert Brush
Number 2 Nylon Filbert Brush
Number 00 Nylon Round Brush

Instagram: correaart_

Donate: www.paypal.me/johnrowellcorrea

#SeascapePainting #Satisfying #AcrylicPainting