"Night conversation" (Romantic night) Artist-Victor Yushkevich. #11 photos in 2020.
Friends, I welcome everyone to my channel UVN Art. Picture «Night conversation» (Romantic night). Artist-Victor Yushkevich. #11 photo of 2020.
Friends, you can see the full picture on my new platform www.patreon.com/UVN_Art
On this platform, I will tell you many of my secrets to successful painting. I invite you to subscribe to my page, thereby helping to support financially my project that I am opening for you.
“Night talk”, that’s what I called this picture. Looking at what kind of magic she conveys, I did not find anything more suitable.
Thanks to this picture, I would like to tell you my story, and the story of many people. At least once, but each of us experienced loneliness. Or left alone with nature and a loved one.
Romantic atmosphere — when two lovers warm themselves by the fire; dream of a good life; give each other different promises. Look at this Sky, the Moon — it is they who give this unusual light that illuminates everything around. Stars — which promise never to fade, and in the meantime, one star gave a chance to make them a common desire, falling from heaven. All nature rests silently, before a warm day. Fog appears over the river. The air seems to be different, with the onset of night. And the bonfire creates its small cracks, enveloping everything around with a red light.
That is how I wish each of us to spend our free time!
Friends follow the link to see more of my paintings.
See you in the next video.
Sincerely, Victor.
You can also watch my other videos:
Acrylic painting on canvas
▶ video youtu.be/E7nnRc-F0dc
▶ video youtu.be/V0iqE3qrEw0
▶ video youtu.be/3nEzugnjBs0
▶ video youtu.be/6OFohECI3f4
▶ video youtu.be/xN6_6MOztKE
▶ video youtu.be/Diq3G_PVDqo
▶ video youtu.be/NB9uVGiarLM
▶ video youtu.be/8agn2p9aAfE
▶ video youtu.be/EYYMhgB8kzk
▶ video youtu.be/Do7kZuk5Zhg
Official page of artist Viktor Yushkevich
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Email: UVN.Art@outlook.com
Email: vitek1961@mail.ru
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#NightConversation #Romanticnight #Painter #ViktorYushkevich #UVNArt #picture #Coupleinlove #river #Night #lovers #Acrylic #MasterClass #Art #romance #Creation