Мастер-класс (полная версия)
Процесс написания картины «Морозное утро»
Размер картины: 40/40см.
Техника исполнения: холст / акрил
Меня зовут Юшкевич Виктор В. Я – современный художник.
Хочу поделиться с Вами уроком живописи. Предлагаю Вашему вниманию мастер-класс по написанию парусника «Морозное утро». Надеюсь, что данный видео урок будет Вам полезен и интересен.
Приглашаю подписываться на мой канал. Ставьте Ваши отметки, оставляйте комментарии. Это поддержит меня и вдохновит на съемку новых мастер-классов.
Приятного просмотра!
С уважением,
— Master class / full video
Process of painting Frosty morning
Acrylic on canvas, 40/40cm.
My name is Viktor Yushkevich. I am a modern artist.
I want to present you a video lesson of painting. I propose to your attention a master class of painting a sailboat «Frosty morning». This picture was painted with acrylic paints.
I hope that this video lesson will be useful and interesting for you.
I invite you to subscribe to my channel. Put your ‘likes’ and leave comments. This will support me and inspire me make new master classes.
Enjoy your viewing!
Best regards,
— Website / Персональный сайт: www.yuvart.pictures
— Viktor Yushkevich Social Networks /
Юшкевич Виктор В. в социальных сетях:
The new weather season inspired me to write a new composition. You can come up with “your story” by looking at this snippet. Just look at what a wonderful composition. What a beautiful forest, wild flowers, sunrays, trees, forest trail. Just look at how subtly this work is written. Happy viewing.
After watching a lot of master classes, online lessons, I got a good experience. I painted this picture with acrylics, like all works since 1990. Dries quickly and is comfortable. Until 1990, I painted in oils. Most artists choose acrylic.
Thank you for watching! Dont forget about comments and ratings! Thanks for your activity! Take care of yourself and your loved ones!
We throw this video into the TOP! You are the best, I believe in you!
Sincerely, Victor!
Winter will start soon, it inspires me to write a «winter composition». Your opinion is very interesting, do not forget to write it in the comments! Looking at this composition, you can see: sun, rays, snow, forest, spruce. All the trees are covered with snow. Handsomely? Would you like to go there? Happy viewing.
After watching a lot of master classes, online lessons, I got a good experience. I painted this picture with acrylics, like all works since 1990. Dries quickly and is comfortable. Until 1990, I painted in oils. Most artists choose acrylic.
Thank you for watching! Dont forget about comments and ratings! Thank you for your activity! Take care of yourself and your loved ones!
We throw this video into the TOP! You are the best, I believe in you!
Sincerely, Victor!
List of painters in compilation: Nikolay Dubovskoy, Ivan Endogurov, Igor Grabar, Lev Kamenev, Valerian Kamenev, Vladimir Kazantsev, Alexander Kiselev, Yuliy Klever, Mikhail Clodt, Gavriil Kondratenko, Konstantin Kryzhickiiy, Arhip Kuindzhi, Isaac Levitan, Arseniy Mesherskiy, Grigoriy Myasoyedov, Volodymyr Orlovsky, Ilya Ostroukhov, Oksana Pavlova, Vasily Polenov, Vilgelm Purvit, Arkady Rylov, Alexei Savrasov, Andreiy Shilder, Ivan Shishkin
Good day, dear friends!
I bring to your attention my new video in time-lapse mode. This painting «Sunny Morning» is painted with acrylics on canvas. Primary colors used:
1. Titanium write
2. Lemon
3.Yellow medium
4.Yellow deep
6.Green deep
7.Raw umber
8.Burnt umber
9.Madder lake red
10.Phthalocyanine blue
11.Violet deep
I hope you find this video useful to you. Later I will try to upload a video with some elements of the writing of this picture in real time. Enjoy your viewing!
Доброго времени суток, дорогие друзья!
Предлагаю Вашему вниманию мое новое видео в ускоренном режиме. Данная картина «Солнечное утро» написана акриловыми красками на холсте. Основные используемые цвета:
1.Белила титановые
3.Желтая средняя
4.Желтая темная
6.Зеленая темная
7.Умбра натуральная
8.Умбра жженая
9.Карплак красный
10.Голубая ФЦ
11.Фиолетовая темная
Надеюсь Вы найдете это видео полезным для себя. Позже я постараюсь выложить видео с некоторыми элементами написания этой картины в режиме реального времени. Приятного Вам просмотра!