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Полный видеоурок Игоря Сахарова Прозрачная волна

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Записаться на мастер-класс Игоря Сахарова 7 915 331 60 53
Записаться на мастер-класс в Киеве 380991166086

Приобрести, рекомендованные худ. Сахаровым материалы для живописи маслом( холсты, кисти, мастихины, стартовые наборы) и т.д. Москва, Россия 7 916 020 60 77, Киев, Украина 380991166086

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Записаться на мастер-класс Игоря Сахарова в Москве и Питере 7 915 331 60 53

Приобрести, рекомендованные худ. Сахаровым материалы для живописи маслом( холсты, кисти, мастихины, стартовые наборы) и т.д. Купить видеоуроки. Москва, Россия 7 916 649 32 91

Официальная страница художника Игоря Сахарова




Игорь Сахаров, научиться рисовать море, волну, морской пейзаж

Записаться на мастер-класс Игоря Сахарова в Москве и Питере 7 915 331 60 53

Приобрести, рекомендованные худ. Сахаровым материалы для живописи маслом( холсты, кисти, мастихины, стартовые наборы) и т.д. Купить видеоуроки. Москва, Россия 7 916 649 32 91, Украина 38-050-560-62-44

Море, уроки рисования для начинающих, Сахаров

ВСЕ НОВОЕ НА saharov.tv

Официальные сайты:

Записаться на мастер-класс Игоря Сахарова в Москве и Питере 7 915 331 60 53

Приобрести, рекомендованные худ. Сахаровым материалы для живописи маслом( холсты, кисти, мастихины, стартовые наборы) и т.д. Москва, Россия 7 929 545 19 26

Купить эксклюзивные видеоуроки И. Сахарова 7 916 649 32 91

"Mountain path" (Mountain landscape) Artist - Viktor Yushkevich. #13 photos in 2020.

Friends, I welcome everyone to my channel UVN Art. Picture «Mountain path» (Mountain landscape). Artist-Viktor Yushkevich. #13 photos in 2020.

I’m Victor. Thank you for your time that you give away to view my creative searches and works. I understand myself as always striving for the harmony of the soul and that which the brush in my hand can depict. Your opinion is important to me, your advice is always taken into account. Allow me to share my thoughts about this picture.
Which of us would not admire the greatness and power of the mountains? The most vivid and colorful imaginations of every boy’s childhood dream is to reach the top of the highest mountain and become the first hero and prove to my friends and all the girls in the world that I know only the secret that is so diligently covered in its snow-white thick veil (thick veil) and not the strength will end and there will be the courage of this young heart to enter this small narrow path dotted with stones and begin its new ascent path. “But it’s also dangerous, it’s difficult, it’s stupid,” the timid always said.
And the heart had wings, wings of an eagle and rose higher and higher. Soared over the valleys and waterfalls, over the rocks. What a clear blue! What freshness of air in transfusion with aromas of beautiful flowers and plants! These deep shadows and mists now appear, then melt like dew from the rising of the first rays of the sun. Yes, and we, the guys over the years, sometimes think: or maybe we can pretty much stay on the soft sofas, enough strength is enough; pack a backpack and try not only to dream but also… forward…
I have been to the mountains and it is amazingly beautiful, and you have experienced this too.
And what did I manage to portray on canvas? You decide.
I will leave you the opportunity, my friends, to show my imagination in order to enjoy this secret of kotoroy together, I think, will never be exhausted. As one Russian singer created: «Better than mountains can only be mountains on which I have not been before.»
Your friend and teacher Viktor Yushkevich.

Friends, you can see the full picture on my new platform www.patreon.com/UVN_Art
On this platform, I will tell you many of my secrets to successful painting. I invite you to subscribe to my page, thereby helping to support financially my project that I am opening for you.

Friends follow the link to see more of my paintings.

See you in the next video.
Sincerely, Victor.
You can also watch my other videos:
Acrylic painting on canvas
▶ video youtu.be/Go6i19GxDAY
▶ video youtu.be/ZJXVoQ05xvM
▶ video youtu.be/X4X9CuGxcik
▶ video youtu.be/NQRbNhebB84
▶ video youtu.be/rOY5JqNZCn0
▶ video youtu.be/Diq3G_PVDqo
▶ video youtu.be/NB9uVGiarLM
▶ video youtu.be/8agn2p9aAfE
▶ video youtu.be/EYYMhgB8kzk
▶ video youtu.be/Do7kZuk5Zhg

Official page of artist Viktor Yushkevich
Patreon: www.patreon.com/UVN_Art
Classmates: ok.ru/uvnart
Instagram: www.instagram.com/u.v.n_art
Facebook: www.facebook.com/art.u.v.n
Email: UVN.Art@outlook.com
Email: vitek1961@mail.ru
WhatsApp 7 926 732-52-65

#Summer #Sunnylandscape #Painter #ViktorYushkevich #UVNArt #picture #Artist #photo #realism #forest #Acrylic #MasterClass #Art #sketch #acrylicpaint

"Illumination" Acrylic. Artist-Viktor Yushkevich. #59 picture in 2020.

Friends, I welcome everyone to my channel UVN Art. Picture «Illumination» Acrylic. Artist — Viktor Yushkevich. #59 photos in 2020.

I would like to suggest that you watch my relax playlist! I will be glad if you like it.

New Year is coming soon, and this inspired me to a new composition. Your opinion is very interesting, do not forget to write it in the comments! Looking at this composition, you can see: the sun, rays, forest, trees and a mysterious distance, a small house, a river, wildflowers, a field. Handsomely? Would you like to go there? Happy viewing.
After watching a lot of master classes, online lessons, I got a good experience. I painted this picture with acrylics, like all works since 1990. Dries quickly and is comfortable. Until 1990, I painted in oils. Most artists choose acrylic.
Thanks for watching! Dont forget about comments and ratings! Thanks for your activity! Take care of yourself and your loved ones!
We throw this video into the TOP! You are the best, I believe in you!
Sincerely, Victor!

Friends, these are the brushes I use:

Friends, here are the paints I use:

Friends follow the link to see more of my paintings.

Official page of artist Viktor Yushkevich
Patreon: www.patreon.com/UVN_Art
Classmates: ok.ru/uvnart
Instagram: www.instagram.com/u.v.n_art
Facebook: www.facebook.com/art.u.v.n
Email: UVN.Art@outlook.com
Email: vitek1961@mail.ru
WhatsApp 7 926 732-52-65

#Illumination #Acrylic #Artist #ViktorYushkevich #UVNArt #picture #photos #realism #forest #Painter #MasterClass #Art #sketch #acrylicpaint