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Atmospheric Sunset 2 / Acrylic / STEP BY STEP #143 / 아크릴화

Today, I drew a atmospheric sunset.
Beginners can draw along easily.

Follow me step by step.

Please subscribe and like. Thank you~~

오늘은 분위기있는 노을풍경을 그려보았어요.

초보자 분들도 쉽게 따라 그릴수 있어요.

차근차근 따라그려보세요.

구독과 좋아요 꼭 부탁드려요. 감사합니다~~

Colors listed on the screen

-Acrylic painting

-Canvas 25cm*25cm

BGM uses the YouTube library

— Email: hnbr0302@gmail.com

#AcrylicPainting #dailypainting #satisfying

Sunrise / Easy acrylic painting for beginners / PaintingTutorial / Painting ASMR

This is a simple and easy acrylic painting for beginners on mini canvas.

Today, I am going to paint sunrise, requested by one of subscribers.

Thank you for watching. Please dont forget to subscribe and click the like button.
See you on my next video!!!

— Acrylic Color: Liquitex, Golden, Winsor

Winter scenery / Acrylic Painting / STEP by STEP #188 / 겨울 풍경 아크릴화

Today, I drew a winter scenery.
Beginners can draw along easily.

Follow me step by step.

Please subscribe and like. Thank you~~

오늘은 겨울 풍경을 그려보았어요.

초보자 분들도 쉽게 따라 그릴수 있어요.

차근차근 따라그려보세요.

구독과 좋아요 꼭 부탁드려요. 감사합니다~~

Colors listed on the screen

-Acrylic painting

-Canvas 25cm*25cm

BGM uses the YouTube library

— Email: hnbr0302@gmail.com

#AcrylicPainting #dailypainting #winterpainting

Red Sunset / Acrylic Painting for Beginners / STEP by STEP #178 / 붉은노을 아크릴화 그리기

Today, I drew a red sunset.
Beginners can draw along easily.

Follow me step by step.

Please subscribe and like. Thank you~~

오늘은 붉은 노을이 보이는 풍경을 그려보았어요.

초보자 분들도 쉽게 따라 그릴수 있어요.

차근차근 따라그려보세요.

구독과 좋아요 꼭 부탁드려요. 감사합니다~~

Colors listed on the screen

-Acrylic painting

-Canvas 28cm*22cm

BGM uses the YouTube library

— Email: hnbr0302@gmail.com

#AcrylicPainting #dailypainting #sunsetpainting

Acrylic Landscape Painting in Time-lapse / The Rivers Water Reflections / JMLisondra

In the full tutorial of this acrylic landscape painting in time-lapse you can learn on how to paint the rivers water reflections by jmlisondra. ▶▶SUBSCRIBE HERE: www.youtube.com/user/artjomalis?sub_confirmation=1

In the full tutorial, you can learn on how to paint realistic water reflection on the river, you can also learn on how to paint realistic trees, bushes and grasses. Its a full step by step easy and basic acrylic landscape painting tutorial for beginners and advanced artists.

Watch the full tutorial here: youtu.be/Gb8Eb1AHp3U

Acrylic Paint Colors:

Titanium white
Phthalo Blue / Ultramarine Blue / Primary Blue
Brilliant Red / Primary Red / Cadmium Red
Medium Yellow / Primary Yellow
Raw Umber / Burnt Umber / Burnt Sienna
Buy Acrylic Paints-https://www.amazon.com/shop/artofjohnmagnelisondra?listId=1YT4AOWM9Q1JQ


Number 12 Nylon Flat Brush (Long Handle)
Number 8 Nylon Flat Brush (Long Handle)
Number 7 Nylon Flat Brush (Short Handle)
Number 3 Nylon Flat Brush (Short Handle)
Number 0 Nylon Liner Brush or Round Brush
or No. 1, 00, 000 (Short Handle)
Buy Brushes-https://www.amazon.com/shop/artofjohnmagnelisondra?listId=1KM0N75JINIIV
Buy Canvas-https://www.amazon.com/shop/artofjohnmagnelisondra?listId=1V0Y42W9SBO90
Buy Easel-https://www.amazon.com/shop/artofjohnmagnelisondra?listId=2O3YWTUQNZTGI

Thank you for watching!

Recommended Art Materials: www.jmlisondra.com/blog/v/Recommended_Art_Materials_Availabe_at_Amazon

Become my Patron: www.patreon.com/jmlisondra

Website: www.jmlisondra.com
FB Page: www.facebook.com/jmlisondraArts
FB Group: www.facebook.com/groups/paintwithJMLisondra
Twitter: twitter.com/artjoma
G: plus.google.com/ JohnmagneLisondra
Instagram: www.instagram.com/artjomalis/
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/jmlisondra
Email: magnean18@gmail.com

Donate: www.paypal.me/jmlisondra

How to Start Acrylic Painting:
— How to Make Canvas: youtu.be/YnHy3OAE9b0
— Basic Color Mixing Using 5 Limited Colors: youtu.be/uMxssCDdFoE
— 3 Ways to Blend Acrylic Paints: youtu.be/_LRaGew8axw
— How to Paint Lights and Shadows: youtu.be/CoSVkwsfHYs
— Color Mixing to Match the Reference: youtu.be/nueLUZxvxS8

How to Paint Trees:

How to Paint Flowers:

How to Paint Mountains:

Portrait Painting Tutorials:
— How to Paint Realistic Portrait: youtu.be/jRDeqLY2p8E
— How to Paint Realistic Eye: youtu.be/kAlDWoKg5DE
— How to Paint Realistic Lips: youtu.be/O6BTg31AtAU
— Portrait of Beautiful Lady Tutorial: youtu.be/4oL8q1yqxHo

Beach Painting Tutorials:
— How to Paint Realistic Beach with Crashing Waves: youtu.be/NtDf4_BLQp4
— How to Paint Tropical Beach: youtu.be/2YnmrEQVsXc
— How to Paint Moonlight over the Beach: youtu.be/qStcu8VpTmw

Houses, Cabins and Barns Acrylic Painting Tutorials:
— How to PaintItalian Villa and Flower Garden Painting Tutorial: youtu.be/SU0Av7_tcyE
— How to Paint Concrete Old Houses Near the Beach: youtu.be/PscMq6M0uow
— How to Paint House in Forest: youtu.be/o4CcFbMemYU
— How to Paint Villages Houses: youtu.be/Td_k6PL3un8

and Many more on my Youtube Channel

Background Music:

Prelude No. 23 by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: chriszabriskie.com/preludes/
Artist: chriszabriskie.com/


Aakashi Gandhi For Background Music

#painting #acrylicpainting #paintingtutorial

Hairpins painting technique / Acrylic painting / Starlight moonlight girl

Acrylic Painting Techniques — JayLee — How to paint
❖ Jay Lee is a painting youtuber. My videos are showing how to paint flowers, nature and other techniques on the various tutorials offered. Hope you enjoy my painting.
— ❖ Channel Membership:
Please become a member of my channel. You can buy me a cup of coffee. ♥
❖ Patreon: www.patreon.com/jayartpainting
❖ PayPal Donation: paypal.me/jayartpainting
I do this as my full time job, so your support is very much appreciated.
— ❖ Jay Lees Store: teespring.com/stores/jayartpainting
— ❖ 안녕하세요 그림 유튜버 제이입니다. 저는 한국사람이고요 제 그림 영상은 미국, 인도를 비롯해 전세계 사람들이 조금씩 봐주세요. 그래서 영어가 많답니다. 그래도 몇몇 한국 분들이 댓글 달아 주시는데 너무너무 감사드립니다.
❖ 哈囉~~大家好,我來自韓國,因為老婆是台灣人,所以住在台灣。我的影片內容是教大家使用水彩畫及介紹不同的畫畫方法,謝謝你們的觀看!
— ❖ Music
Mesmerize by Kevin MacLeod

— ❖ Contacts
IG, FB: @jayartpainting
E-mail: tkstoryman@hotmail.com

ВИНО И БОКАЛЫ |Натюрморт|Акрил, холст, мастихин

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